123 research outputs found

    Ordinary representations of G(Q_p) and fundamental algebraic representations

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    Let G be a split connected reductive algebraic group over Q_p such that both G and its dual group G-hat have connected centres. Motivated by a hypothetical p-adic Langlands correspondence for G(Q_p) we associate to an n-dimensional ordinary (i.e. Borel valued) representation rho : Gal(Q_p-bar/Q_p) to G-hat(E) a unitary Banach space representation Pi(rho)^ord of G(Q_p) over E that is built out of principal series representations. (Here, E is a finite extension of Q_p.) Our construction is inspired by the "ordinary part" of the tensor product of all fundamental algebraic representations of G. There is an analogous construction over a finite extension of F_p. In the latter case, when G=GL_n we show under suitable hypotheses that Pi(rho)^ord occurs in the rho-part of the cohomology of a compact unitary group. We also prove a weaker version of this result in the p-adic case.Comment: Revised (June 2014), 78 page

    Smoothness and Classicality on eigenvarieties

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    Let p be a prime number and f an overconvergent p-adic automorphic form on a definite unitary group which is split at p. Assume that f is of "classical weight" and that its Galois representation is crystalline at places dividing p, then f is conjectured to be a classical automorphic form. We prove new cases of this conjecture in arbitrary dimension by making crucial use of the "patched eigenvariety"

    Groupes p-divisibles, groupes finis et modules filtr\'es

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    Let k be a perfect field of characteristic p>0. When p>2, Fontaine and Laffaille have classified p-divisibles groups and finite flat p-groups over the Witt vectors W(k) in terms of filtered modules. Still assuming p>2, we extend these classifications over an arbitrary complete discrete valuation ring A with unequal characteristic (0,p) and residue field k by using "generalized" filtered modules. In particular, there is no restriction on the ramification index. In the case k is included in \bar{F}_p (and p>2), we then use this new classification to prove that any crystalline representation of the Galois group of Frac(A) with Hodge-Tate weights in {0,1} contains as a lattice the Tate module of a p-divisible group over A.Comment: 61 pages, French, published versio

    A local model for the trianguline variety and applications

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    We describe the completed local rings of the trianguline variety at certain points of integral weights in terms of completed local rings of algebraic varieties related to Grothendieck's simultaneous resolution of singularities. We derive several local consequences at these points for the trianguline variety: local irreducibility, description of all local companion points in the crystalline case, combinatorial description of the completed local rings of the fiber over the weight map, etc. Combined with the patched Hecke eigenvariety (under the usual Taylor-Wiles assumptions), these results in turn have several global consequences: classicality of crystalline strictly dominant points on global Hecke eigenvarieties, existence of all expected companion constituents in the completed cohomology, existence of singularities on global Hecke eigenvarieties

    Formes modulaires de Hilbert modulo p et valeurs d'extensions galoisiennes

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    Let F be a totally real field, v an unramified place of F dividing p and rho a continuous irreducible two-dimensional mod p representation of G_F such that the restriction of rho to G_{F_v} is reducible and sufficiently generic. If rho is modular (and satisfies some weak technical assumptions), we show how to recover the corresponding extension between the two characters of G_{F_v} in terms of the action of GL_2(F_v) on the cohomology mod p.Comment: in French, to appear in Annales Scientifiques de l'Ecole Normale Superieur
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